My company to the relevant departments of the coordination and support, seized a number of illegal copies of MOS-TECH Taiwan mos-tech semiconductor products. These illegal counterfeit products has seriously violated mos-tech the interests of the company, leading to abnormal user system, not the normal operation, and allows the user to face legal risk. Our company is cooperating with the investigation and related departments to seriously pursue the relevant units and individual responsibility.
Counterfeit products in addition to the name of the product counterfeiting of our MT brand, specification is completely copied from Taiwan Mao Tian website.
The Taiwan Mao Dian solemnly declared: Shenzhen Mao Tian Technology Co. Ltd. is a Taiwan mos-tech semiconductor in China the only legitimate wholly-owned institutions, other claims MT mos-tech companies and products are counterfeit.
If you have any problems and questions, please call us directly set up in mainland China Sales Hotline: 0755-83673812, thank you for your concern and support!